The stage of the world has its boundaries.
The stage of the mind has no boundaries.
- TruTheater Radio
Episode 05
Popcorn Flick
We love movies. What if we are
watching a movie we can’t escape?
Howdie Mickoski joins us to talk
about the nature of reality as he
sees it. Howdie is a philosepher,
author, and content creator.
Featured in the Cast were:
Jonah Earl
as John
Becca Earl
as Lisa
Mat T
as Howard
Joshua Earl
as Agent Glaucon
Rick Hall
as Agent Bumsted
Janet Fox
and husband
as Audience members.
Written by: Jonah Earl
Edited by: Jonah Earl
Produced by: Jonah Earl and Joshua James Earl of TruTheater Radio
TruTheaterRadio © 2023