Freedom or immortality.
Which would you choose?
This Episode is dedicated to
our dad who recently passed
and in indirectly responcible
for this show
Do you need coffee in
the morning? Are you
A Halloween Special that
shows when you ask for
trick, don’t be suprised
when you get tricked.
The proper way to record your
Can Joe and his sound box save
the realm? The Legit Bat Podcast
joins us to answer that question.
Entertainment - "to keep up,
maintain, to keep (someone)
in a certain frame of mind,"
Popcorn - Made of a grain
commonly fed to cattle. We
choose this. We want this.
“They” want this.
Is this the Apocalypse? If so,
why is it so lame?
“Deplorable Janet” used to be a
nurse. This episode gives us
some insight why she isn’t a
nurse now.
The Sound Effects Kids are
back for Christmas presents
and a surpise visit from
Theater of the Mind
All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women are merely players.
- William Shakespeare
The stage of the world has its boundaries.
The stage of the mind has no boundaries.
- TruTheater Radio
Episode 7 - Writer’s Block
It’s been awhile.
Writer’s block sucks.